When in Doubt...

What makes the present moment so desirable is that it is not a memory nor a future. In order to feel alive within it we must BE in it.

As I sit here on the point of Hanauma Bay Crater with the sun on my thoughts and the waves in my senses it is apparent why the present moment can not be summoned like a memory. With each new passing of time the present moment is both born and killed...yet remains to exist between this very gap (like the thought between). In it no emotion, thought or knowledge seems likely to survive…only our connection with its unwritten energy. Might this ability to exist within be what defines “being alive”?
Human beings are quite possibly the only life force that dwell in three different frames: memory, present, and future. Animals and vegetation, although granted a similar biological clock, have a different awareness of time (I have ever seen a dog with a conscious 3”x5” notecard to-do list or a flower that is fretting over its last pollination partner) as do the forces of nature. How is it that this life we so preciously call our own is spent mostly outside of this flow experience with mere glimpses, like that which I experience today, to tease us? Where do our tendencies to plan and record, calculate and analysis fit into our lives when they seem so foreign to the present moment, yet so akin to our human minds and know-how?  Should an immediate ban on notecards (for thinkers) and picture albums (for keepers) be in order? Or, does the art in the making of this masterpiece involve like most things beautiful, a scale that contains a greater balance between the two?
Might we Zen like the flowers Zen, or at least place ourselves in a position to get some sun, water and proper pollination? Let us Go Outside to flower, or go where we go to flow...even if this means Battlefield + Xbox One. Report...NOW!


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