In his book, Outliers , Malcom Gladwell references a study by Anders Ericsson (see link below) to support his thesis on people who work toward success and greatness in their lives. Throughout his research, Gladwell found that the most prominent crossover relating these peoples' success was 10,000 hours of time spent in "deliberate practice and coaching" within their field of study. Sometimes I feel as though this time spent perfecting our craft separates us from those who are not. On the other hand, I have to believe that this calm before the storm or the preparation before the fight in the expert in all of us does allow an "Outlying" vantage point in which we are able to more aptly contribute to societal gaps. We are living somewhere between 1 and 10,000 hours... Last week I came across a similar idea in a TED talk by Jane McGonigal, founder of Gameful whose secret mission is to change the world through gaming (se...